Unlock Excellence in Ophthalmic Care

Take your existing team and make them rockstars.


Our Staff Development Courses are meticulously designed to meet the diverse needs of healthcare professionals, aiming to enhance their skills, knowledge, and effectiveness in providing exceptional patient care.

We understand that the strength of a healthcare practice lies in its people. That's why our courses cover a wide range of topics, from clinical competencies and advanced technological training to soft skills such as communication, leadership, and emotional intelligence.

Clinical Courses

  • Ophthalmic Scribe Training Program

    Scribing is an important task for both medical and legal reasons. Accurate, efficient, thorough scribing and using good judgement is key. This comprehensive course has three parts:

    1. Anatomy and Physiology

    2. Pharmacology

    3. Scribing

    Run Time: 2 hrs 37 min

    Written and presented by Kelly Moehrle, COMT, OSC and Sharon Alamalhodaei, COMT, OSC, CEP

  • Retina Clinic Course

    Retina technicians must know about retinal diseases and their impacts on the patient. Imaging is a big part of any retinal practice. B Scan, Fluorescein and ICG Angiography, OCT, Fundus photography and their applications are discussed. Imaging artifacts, their probably causes and how to eliminate them are also discussed.

    Run time: 35 min.

    Written and presented by Sharon Alamalhodaei, COMT, OSC, CEP

  • Cornea Clinic Course

    Cornea clinics have their own special needs. Understanding astigmatism, keratometry, and other corneal measurements and specific corneal diseases and injuries.

    Run Time: 50 min.

    Written and presented by Sharon Alamalhodaei, COMT, OSC, CEP

  • Oculoplastic Clinic Training Program

    This course is designed to train oculoplastic technicians in diseases, procedures, commonly used oculoplastic instruments aseptic technique, sterilization, cosmetic injections, consenting the patient and more.

    Run time: 35 min.

    Written and presented by Sharon Alamalhodaei, COMT, OSC, CEP

  • Glaucoma Clinic Training Course

    Glaucoma is a sight threatening disease which requires a skilled technician. This course includes training in Goldmann Applanation Tonometry, pupillary assessment, visual fields, anterior chamber assessment, optic nerve anatomy, and the types of glaucoma and their mechanisms.

    Run time: 51 min.

    Written and presented by Sharon Alamalhodaei, COMT, OSC, CEP

  • Customer Service Course

    How can you set your practice apart from others? What do your techs need to know to WOW a patient? The answers and more are revealed in 10 Steps to a Phenomenal Patient Experience.

  • Staff Motivation Course

    Do you want your techs to be more effective? How to Be the Tech Your Doctor Can’t Live Without course gives them 11 secrets to increasing their value, competency and professionalism.

What Admins Are Saying About The Courses

Tanya Concha, Practice Administrator, Gulf Coast Eye Care

“Your original program has increased our techs efficiencies and skill levels. We will always be thankful for you.”

“We have been utilizing your tech training program for several months and it has made such a tremendous difference in the efficiency of both new and existing techs.”

Tami Sotorske, Practice Administrator, Henry Eye Clinic

“Our clinic manager and I were talking the other day about how much we would have loved this program when we started out! Everything is so together, videos to watch, hand-outs to look over, tests to verify what you were learning was being retained.”

Ashley Flynn, COT, ROUB, OSC; Clinical Manager, West Virginia Eye Consultants

Licensing & Investment

Most courses are available to buy or to rent.

Buy - After purchasing the course, you are free to view it as many times as you like, forever!

Rental - After purchase, your rental will be available for 30 days. Once you have started the course, you have 72 hours to watch it as many times as you like.

Have Additional Questions?

Have additional questions before you purchase one of our courses? Please reach out to us through this form or contact our offices directly at the phone number or email below.


(386) 793-3067