Undercover: Leveraging Secret Shoppers to Boost Your Medical Practice's Performance
Undercover: Leveraging Secret Shoppers to Boost Your Medical Practice's Performance

Hold on to Your Best: Recognizing and Retaining High Risk Staff
Learn how to recognize staff who are at risk of leaving your company and how to encourage them to stay.

Maximizing Retention: Crafting Competitive Compensation & Benefits Packages
Every great practice needs to think critically about how they craft their compensation and which benefits to offer. These steps will greatly improve staff retention. Tune into this webinar where we discuss all of the above.

The Recipe for Great Culture: 5 Key Ingredients That Will Transform Any Ophthalmic Practice
Every great practice almost always has a great culture. In this webinar, we share some of the latest insights on how to improve your practice’s culture as a means to retaining top staff.