A Practical Guide to Extraocular Motility Assessment Book & Demonstration Kit
This is the tool Sharon has used to teach EOMs for years and now YOU can, too! Muscles are typically one of the more challenging subjects for technicians to understand, but a picture is worth a thousand words. These models allow the physiology of muscles to be brought to life. Includes two eyeballs - one right eye and one left eye each with six labeled extraocular muscles. Muscles are removable so technicians can practice reattaching them correctly on the eye.
A Practical Guide to Extraocular Motility Assessment for the Ophthalmic Medical Assistant book to help understand EOM physiology
Functions of the EOMs
Sherrington’s Law and Herring’s “Law of Yoke muscles”
Cranial Nerves and their Clinical Presentations, Cranial Nerve Palsies
EOM Overaction and Under action
Cover tests
Hirschberg & Krimsky Tests
Maddox Rod Test
A Decision Tree for Cover Testing
Links to additional resources for further study
2 inflatable beach balls
2 sets of six laminated and labeled extraocular muscles
Velcro dots for attaching the muscles
Printed assembly instructions